Thursday, January 6, 2011

Detox day six: a fresh start

Let's forget yesterday every happened. And last night. And this morning. It's a new day and I love my juice and my six-year old will be nice again and my three-year old will sleep through the night eventually.

I'm telling you, when there were sleep issues pre-cancer, I was a wreck the next day, whether I was working or not. I used caffeine to get me through the day and collapsed on sugar or white flour in the afternoon to punch it through for another few hours. Since the juice goddesses entered my life - even during chemo and the worst of my autumn affair with pneumonia - I've been able to punch through the day feeling a lot more energized. No more naps (tho I do loves me a good mid-day shut eye) and the only heavy crash coming at night, after the kids are in bed. And since beginning the detox, I've been awake in the evenings a lot more, which is nothing short of a freakin' miracle when I've got the radiation monster at my door.

We're almost a week into this thing and to say I'm happy happy joy joy about my detox posse is a majah understatement. I know I've got a stupidly naive vision for my juicing brood (no cancer, no diabetes, no heart disease, no weight issues, no food addictions), but if I start with knowing I want to phase out my own darling tumours, then I can only jump to conclusions and wish for not a hint of disease in the ones I love. There is absolutely no reason why we can't all live a long, energized, healthy and happy life and die from just being bloody old instead of bloody sick, enjoying a few slices of choco cake along the way. And not to be all maudlin about it, but just because you've got both feet in the land of the living today, doesn't mean your body will be willing to keep doing the hard work it does every day without a little help from you.

Wait... did somebody say red sequin bikini? I've been thinking of the limbo I'll soon be in post-radiation but pre-surgery while my sunburned chesty is healing and what does a little radiation damage love more than soothing creams? More toxic rays!! Yes, a sun vacation may be in order for February. Pete and I have been talking about the best time to go away together and since post-surgery seems so fraught with unknowns and hopefully a speedy return to work, we were thinking of cramming in a week of sunny bliss sometime next month. At the top of the list right now is Palm Springs.

I know, dream big! Got to the Turks and Caicos! Head to Greece! Problem is, my practical brain can't justify shelling out $6,000 for one week away. My bank account is anemic, y'all, and besides, I want to take my girls on a sun vacation at some point this year, so let's not be too stupid about the Visa. And Paris in February is... well, very cold and wet.

I know almost zero about PS, other than the Sweet Dreams novel I read called P.S. I Love You, where the P.S. secretly stood for Paul Strobe. Oh, my young adult reading years of the 80s, how I miss you. When I look at that cover, I think of my gorgeous friend M in Robert's Creek, and imagine she looked like that at 16, billowy peasant blouse and all.

Anyhoo. I love the mid-century retro vibe of PS (or what I imagine it to be), plus there's the desert heat. Plus a bit of outlet heaven. Plus an awesome area to go for a bit of a driving tour.  Plus it's cheap to fly and stay there. Plus... I don't bloody well know! How do you describe why a place grabs you by the balls all of a sudden? I just wanna go and I'll be chatting with my onc tomorrow to see if I can fit a week into my Herceptin schedule in Feb.

Shine up the sequins on your matching trunks, Pete. We're gettin' the hell out of Dodge.


  1. Diane is so the PS goddess of all you can know about a place, so I'm sure she will be filling you in. I can't wait to see the matching sequined outfits. Make sure the whole ensemble doesn't clash with the blue-rinse ladies of PS. Now I have to rename you Carissa Queen of the Desert. Love yer

  2. PS is the favourite place for our good friends S and P (or P and S!). They stay there longer and longer every time they go. I am pumped about you planning a trip there soon. Mostly because I think you have earned it in many ways, but also because we get to have Stella and Frances in our back pockets for a week. I may not give them back after that!

  3. Crikey, that is totally lovely MBC!

  4. Hey, you know someone else in RC, you should introduce us! We are slow on the juicer bandwagon, but getting there. What was the juicer brand you recommended again?? Also, PS sounds divine. Don't think, go.

  5. Yay for you!! You will LOVE it in PS. My second home awaits you. It's magical, dreamy, hot, care-free, seductive, and fun beyond belief. You deserve this will be a prelude to your Paris adventure when you are c-free............not too long now, my friend. I will give you a couple places you MUST guys are going to fall in love with the desert. You will look awesome, as always, whether it's sequins or not; Pete may want to be wary of wearing sequins--may be mistaken for..........let's just say "not that there's anything wrong with it". [Seinfeld]

    God bless your parents for taking the wee ones.......they rock!

    I've only juiced for a day, but man did that taste good and to KNOW the goodness that is going in our bodies.......a win win situation.

    from the Palm Springs Princess xo
