Monday, January 17, 2011

And then what?

We're 17 days into this cleansing extravaganza, with new juicehounds joining the fray almost every day. It makes me feel like dancin'.

Frances has had tonsilitis the past week or so and has been a miserable, miserable girl. Last night she finally slept through the night and honestly, I feel just as energized today as I have been throughout the past week of hell sleeps. That phenom alone is enough to keep me on the green stuff.

I've been thinking a lot about my diet post-detox, trying to decide what to fuck, marry or kill and am getting closer to developing a bit of a plan. Last night I ordered Crazy Sexy Diet, written by my cancer guru, Kris Carr, and think it might contain a bit of a map for eating like the wellness warrior I want to become. When it arrives, I'll devour and let you all know the deets. I definitely feel like I'm closer to being on the verge to answering the question, "and then what?"

On Friday I have my second consultation with the plastic surgeon and I've given myself until then to figure out if both boobies or just one will be removed. I need a deadline. A stern eye looking my way and waiting for the right answer. There isn't a right answer, of course, but I need to make the one I'll be happy with for the rest of my long, long mf life.

1 comment:

  1. "You are a riot Alice!" And well you should be....dancing, that is. Quite the following you have dear girl. We'll be interested to hear about the "and then what". You and your writing are inspiring, educational and interesting as all getout. I think you single-handedly could rule the world. Well ours anyway! You go girl. You will make the right decision, and you will be happy with it. Who couldn't be, with you at the helm? xo
