Monday, October 25, 2010

Beta-carrot goddess

The biggest thing the c-dawg took away from me on June 22 was my feeling of control over my own body. It was not enough to be not overweight, not post-menopausal, not sedentary, not eating a processed food-rich diet, not living next to a chemical waste dump and not getting drunk every night. Once the docs assure you there were no targets on your back for this thing, they're also quick to tell you there was nothing you could have done and now that you have it, there's nothing but simple exercise, good diet and sleep to help get you through it.


And not bullocks because they're wrong, but bullocks because it all leads to making a girl feel pretty useless and it's not the whole story. I did all that before, doc, and now I've got two tumours in my breast. If we all have cancer cells in our body, how can we do a few things to let them know they're not welcome to procreate?

I'm pretty convinced that making an effort to eat mostly plants is one of the keys. And my little juicer is helping me explore the wonderful world of raw. Here's two juicing recipes I've been grooving on so far. If you have extra, store it in a mason jar. Be sure to fill right to the top before screwing the lid on tight (prevents oxidization) - keeps for 12 hours in the fridge.

Beta-Carrot Goddess Juice
* deliciously pink and sweet and great for first thing in the morning (makes two 8 oz glasses so I drink the other in the pm)

2 apples (skin on)
1/2 beet (peeled)
2 small carrots (skin on if organic)
1 small parsnip (skin on if organic)
1/4 lemon (skin on)

Green Machine Juice
* so green it'll make you weep, but the pineapple makes it utterly drinkable (makes one big glass)

1/3 pineapple (skin on)
1 small chunk of broccoli stem
large handful of spinach
handful of watercress (leaf and stem)
handful of kale (leaf and stem)
1/4 medium zucchini (skin on)
1/4 cucumber (skin on)
1/4 lime (skin on)

If you actually attempt to juice, let me know! So happy to hear about you, NC, and your green morning smoothie. Love that I have a twin out there, girl.


  1. I would love to try this........thanks for the recipes! Now, my question, what does one do without a juicer? Is there another similar appliance that would work? Thanks Carissa! xo

  2. I am now inspired to get a juicer! Thanks for the recipes Carissa!!

  3. Got the ingredients! Gonna try tomorrow!

  4. Diane - I have it on good authority that if you have a decent blender, you can mix spinach or kale with cucumber, a little avocado, half an apple, a kiwi and a little banana. My friend NC blends it up with half a litre of water and it makes about 1 litre of smoothie (she sips on it all morning). She says the key is blending the greens with the water to get them all liquified.

    Mom and Leslie - you rock my world. Let me know how it turns out!

  5. Intrigued and inspired -- thanks, C! In my twinness, I was also considering the juicing thing (if, for no other reason, to get in all those recommended daily fruit/veg servings which can be so hard sometimes). Was just hesitant because I don't have a juicer and wasn't sure about making the investment. I'll try the blender thing first. Following any good sites/blogs on this stuff?

  6. Sharon - I've been following cancer cowgirl Kris Carr (who is a master juicer and blogger) as well as the books "Juice Yourself Slim" and "Fit for Life". Like everything with this cancer shizz, none of the lit is an exact fit, so have been tweaking where I can. No other blogs yet, but have been looking.
