Saturday, October 16, 2010

Riding the 'roids

Yesterday's session was only four hours instead of six, so after the torturous frozen gloves came off, Pete and I took off to stock up on veggies to juice for the next few days (oh yeah, I'm juicin' now, baby).

Cancer weekends without the girls are strange. I feel like I'm simultaneously getting a break and being punished somehow for being sick. So to deal, today I got rid of all but a small handful of baby/toddler clothes. At least eight bags went to charity, and I feel oh so grown up. No more babies for me - oh no - the slight inkling is now all but gone. It's been building up, but mostly it was floating the idea lately that I may end up removing my ovaries at some point in the near future to further reduce my chances of the big c travelling down below to another estrogen hotbed.

Maybe it was the huge glass of cuke/romaine/celery/pear juice I had just previous, or the super steroids I'm still on to keep down any inflammation, but bagging those sucker dog clothes up didn't make me the least bit teary-eyed. I prefer to get my juices flowing from the stuff that's right in front of me - like the fact that Stella draws me with a scarf now, with rockin' earrings and my awesome Madonna concert tee:


  1. Two more roller coaster rides to go babe!

  2. I recognize those earrings and that shirt ;) Great pic, Stells! Thinking about you constantly doll, and marveling just as much, at your strength and fight. Can't wait to connect soon. When you feel ready and able - I'm here.


  3. You have a budding artist on your hands. Awesome family portrait. Love you and you know you are always on my mind. Love S
