Not a day goes by that I don't thank the goddess of friendship for bestowing on me such beautiful gals as my pals. The loveliness keeps coming every day, in gestures of kindness and uber-amazingness.
TL is my lovely cousin and massage enabler, sending me off for a rub and chakra session last Wednesday and indirectly getting me to take the ever-loving scarf off to get my bald in on the action. Makes me want to kick you like a donkey like the good ol' days, T.
Miss Susan blew me away on Friday with her unbelievable generosity and shedding of hair. Her son's entire school came to see the hairdressing extravaganza and just before the shaving began, her beautiful boy put up his hand and said, "if you're shaving your head, I wanna shave mine, too." Not a dry eye, people. Not a dry eye. I've been in a happy fog since then, still finding it surreal that there's a lady love like this in my life.
Saturday I met with H, who I haven't seen in forever. From the very beginning we got along like a house on fire, which is a rare thing for me indeed, and we've been friends for 12 years now. She's divinely funny, sharp, beautiful, strong and a big softie. Our lives became disconnected, like so many of my friendships over the past several years, but here she was today, only recently finding out about my little friend cancer, and cramming for our meeting today by reading my blog. Sitting and talking for more than two hours would have been ice cream enough, but the girl put together a basket of my favourite things, which she could have only known by picking them out from my rambling posts. Unbelievably thoughtful.
So pumpkin pie today, hells yeah, but my friends are the whipped cream dollop of gratefulness in my life.
Your my whipped cream too. Its a good thing your not dairy since i'm allergic. Love Ya S