Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bewitched, bothered and bekindled

I met with my beloved surgeon yesterday and once again she deepened my girlcrush. She cuts right through my concerns without me barely having to say a word and gives me the figurative high fives I need without me knowing I needed them.

In short, I don't have a seroma, I need to calm the fuck down because it's T+3 weeks and it'll take awhile for me to heal, and my baby boobies look amazeballz. You have to understand that they don't really look amazeballz. When I glance down my shirt I see these little mounds of my skin, which looks passable, but head on, in the buff, I have sutures, steri-strips, puckered and folded skin, swelling and irregular shaped, very high tiny things stuck on the front of me like a cartoon girl. But from a surgeon's perspective I guess I can kinda see that Dr. R. might be pleased that at least they don't look like a warning picture from a medical journal.

She was also pleased with the pathology. I had to ask her a few times, "good news, right? I should be happy, right?!" and she teased me for being all bothered about it. I felt better when I left, plus she had gently but roughly ripped off my bandages for good so I can finally wear all those tube tops I've been stashing in the closet.

The next step is to see Dr. T, my plastic man, so he can inject a giant needle into my boobs and pump up my Nike air pumps for stage two of the expansion process. Eventually, I'll have to go under the knife again for day surgery to get my porno implants inserted. Oh how I'll be happy to rid myself of hospital visits.

Then it's back to my onc soon to get onto Tamoxifen, which is an estrogen blocker. I'll likely be on that baby for five years to make sure the cancer cells that are in my bod don't gang up on me again with estrogen as their soilent green. Tack onto that a continuing three-week schedule of Herceptin into September.

I feel like I need another break from the cancermobile. My man did much to answer that call yesterday with the gift of a Kindle. Oh my new Kindle!! I can barely contain myself with the thought of all the books I'll be cramming onto that lightweight thing of beauty, toting it around with me wherever I go. Did I mention how lovely Pete is? I'd be rubble without him.


  1. As much as I love the line "the heart is an organ of fire" (oh yeah girl - I still see that movie and weep/think of how many times we saw it together) - I think your last line is right up there as one of my all-time romantic-without-being-cheese-ass-barfsville-saccharine.

    He indeed is quite the pillar of goodness/strength/love. So glad you have that fella.

    Love, Me xo

  2. Hey, do I still get any cred for brokering the deal between you and Pete? I knew he was made of steel or gold or silver or something precious when I met him. He was always perfect for you.

  3. You totally get the cred, Maggie. You obviously have a way with mergers and acquisitions, cuz the moment I met the boy, your stock went way up. And, well, you've been pretty fabulous since. :-)

  4. A prediction in the not too distant future - we will all be reading your blogs, a published book, on our own Kindle! Hah ha! Pete will be famous!

  5. Congrats on the ongoing positive news. I always find a visit to my surgeon calms me in a way no one else can. Awesome you got a kindle - my husband got me one for Christmas, I can share the ins and outs with you if you like. : )

  6. Again, you make me laugh.......'calm the fuck down'. LOL! Glad the news is good and you are climbing quickly up the ladder of recovery.

    You waited a long time for your man.......I remember the first time you told your old croonies at OS that "there's this guy, and he quite tickles my fancy".......talk about a match made in heaven. Thank god you have patience. xo
