Sunday, January 2, 2011

Detox day two: all about the mussels

Yesterday was fairly easy, as far as cravings go. I had a few moments in the afternoon when I walked longingly by the recycling and my discarded chocolate boxes from the day before, but otherwise I kicked those mofo sugar cravings in the arse and made some salsa/avocado dip and carrot/celery sticks.

Pete retired his gigantic Italian coffee-maker to the rumpus room and omg the counter space! Like having a new bloody kitchen. I made a new home for my juicer and the 4-slicer that is way underused these days.

Dinner wasn't terribly inspired. Delicious homemade chicken broth c/o Pete, a baked sweet potato, steamed broccoli and tomato/onion/cuke/basil salad. Not exactly one to win over the meat eater in my man. The kids had a spoonful or two of the broth and a piece of bread and then declared the whole deal so over. Can't be swinging from the chandelier every evening, s'pose.

Last night Pete made popcorn (yes, R, I say yes to popcorn) and I had a few squares of dark choco. A pretty normal night all around.

This morning is Pete's first morning w/o the liquid drug so we're all waiting for him to bite the head off a baby goat. So far so good. We'll fill up that dreaded 10 am to 12 pm slot with some swimming at the rec centre and shopping for more veg.

Tonight? Moules et frites with the cousins plus a big bad salad. T'is the good life as far as I'm concerned, Joe.


  1. Frites! I like this new life style!!

  2. What are moules et frites?

    I have a come my oil, vinegar, dijon, basil, etc etc dressing came out like a lump of paste???? tastes really good, but the texture..........good god! i made it in a blender.

  3. Mussels and fries, baby.

    Just add water to your dressing until it comes out all nice and creamy. I just do mine in a mason jar.
