Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The vegification of the vegged out

Another crappy night with Miss Frances, courtesy of the time change + the absence of her soother. For close to a year we've been talking about shipping the silicon monster to a fictional character named Wibbly Pig. After watching Stella give up the thumb spontaneously last Christmas, I was determined not to push girl #2 to leave her oral fixation behind prematurely. So for months we've been dancing around the fact that it's just not cool to be three and still sleeping with a pacifier.

Then last Wednesday, less than two months after her third birthday, she said to me after breakfast, "I want to send my soo-soo to Wibbly Pig now." So we did.

She's mostly been a good sport about it, but wakeful as shite. So since she came back from staying with her grandparents on the weekend I've been stumbling around in the middle of night with all my brutal aches and pains getting water and trying to convince her that her bedroom is not scary. She rewards me by waking up super-early to greet the daylight savings day with me with a bucketful of tears. Awesomeness.

How I did this when I went back to work a couple of years ago is beyond the beyond, but different times now, folks, and I have the days to nap and otherwise schlep around the house in my slippers as the wind whips around my neighbourhood.

I'm really, really trying to wrap my head around a new veggie life. I'm immersed in the China Study right now, which talks about the scientifically-proven benefits of a plant-based diet (stats, y'all). Very interesting, and everything is taking hold in small steps, but I still can't conceive of the "I went vegan overnight" statements I read from the hardcores out there. It's a process for me. And man, do I know how lucky I am to be able to figure it all out while I'm not working.

So despite still feeling like garbage, I managed to juice yesterday and today. It tastes divine, it's doing divine things for my bod, and if it helps me get closer to eliminating the need for tasty animal flesh from my diet, then bring it on. Pete is being such a good sport about all this. He wants to try everything, and occasionally rebels against a meatless menu, but knows this is all good stuff for us. He drinks my juice like it's the best thing he's ever tasted and offers a break from the nicoise salad-making to traipse us all over to White Spot for a veggie burger. A keeper, he is. Now whether I'll turn him into a veggie or not remains, people, but the needle has shifted.


  1. I'm still juicing too! Can't believe that for the first time in my diet/on, diet/off life I am not counting calories! It's not anything ground shaking but, coming from a girl who has counted her life events by the number of pounds she was, it is wonderful! I love all the tastes of my veggie drinks too! Even Kale and Spinach? he said, incredulously. Yes!! Go figure! It was 115.00 put to very good use!

  2. Aw crap, I'm sorry you're feeling so yucky and then with Miss Frances less the soo soo. ( It amazes me the names families come up with for those things!) Keep on juicing though and keep on fighting fighting fighting. Pete is wonderful......what a guy! You really did find your "knight in shining armour"....it took you awhile (ha ha), but you have him now. Thinking of you always. xo
