And then there's today. A free day with Pete to belatedly celebrate our anniversary. Dual pedicures (yes, Pete is just gay enough for me), rockin' puerco taco for lunch at a gem of dive restaurant, followed by a cupcake shot, browsing around a bookstore buying shit up, and basically doing everything I love to do, all with teal-coloured toenails, and I feel the need to question again what this cancer crap will get me to.
I fear sometimes that I'm like an asshole. People tut about marriages turned sour - "he turned out to be an asshole" - but I think assholes are always assholes and they give you pretty definitive clues they're assholes from the very beginning. It's whether we choose to see the assholeness and confirm it in our little lizard brains that makes the difference between acting/being surprised later on. So we all just become more ourselves as we get older. This is what freaks me out.
So despite the cancer, the question of early death, the unalterable, physically volcanic journey I've embarked on, will I just continue to be the impatient, sarcastic (lowest form of wit, darlings), frustrated, afraid to fail chick that I've always been? Then what's the bloody point of all this? If, in a year from now, I'm still slogging through Superstore to buy my cheap flour, sugar and laundry baskets, fuming at the nimrod ahead of me who pores over her receipt instead of packing her grocery bags tout de suite, then what's all this been for exactly?
Mamma mia. I'm trying. I really am. I don't want all this to be a mere confirmation of self. I want a revelation, people! I have tiny moments. I do. And maybe it's the tiny moments adding up to a big epiphany at the end, but it's the James Joyce proportion I'm seeking, and... well, maybe "ski teal we drop" toes are as good a way to start the day on that one as anything else.

I have no doubt that there will be a revelation, but don't worry about trying to actually find it right now. Stay focused on getting better! Lots of love from me, and the whole team. We are all working on our running to try and kick ass for Team Carissa!
ReplyDeleteHi Carissa,
ReplyDeleteI ran into Pete last week while I was at Open School and he was working on a shoot out on the sidewalk. Just wanted to let you know that I've joined the ranks of good friends/ex-colleagues forming Team Carissa and am sending you the warmest of wishes and healing thoughts.